Attendance on DingTalk | Ming



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Attendance on DingTalk

icon  What is DingTalk attendance?
icon  Attendance group management
icon  How to get Attendance Report?
icon  How to Clock in/out?
icon  How to verify your company?
icon  How to set up role?
icon  What is DingTalk attendance?

DingTalk attendance system is a free mobile attendance system that saves both time and money.
How to setup attendance on DingTalk?
1. Setup an attendance group where everyone has the same attendance rules.
2. Create an attendance rule for the attendance group.
icon  Attendance group management

icon How to create an attendance group?
Click “Work” Tab – Click “Attendance”
Click “Settings” – Click “Add Attendance Group”
Fill the form and click “Next”
Click “Att. Time” – Click “Add a Global Shift” to create a new shift based on your policy.
Fill in the details as per your company policy:
1. “Clock-In” is the time set by the admin for employees to do attendance. If employees clock-in after the set time, he/she will be marked as late.
2. “Clock Out” time means employees can clock out after the timing. If employee clock out before the timing, he/she will be marked as leave early.
3. ”Clock-In Flexibility Time” is the range set by admins. This gives an employee a chance to make up for the late clock-in. For example, if the clock-in time is set at 9:00am and clock-out time is set at 18:00pm with the flexibility time set at 30min, and an employee clocks-in at 9:30am he/she can only leave at 18:30pm. This will be marked as normal attendance.
4. “Very Late Clock-ins” is the time set by admin that is counted as very late clock-in. For example if ”Very Late Clock-ins” is set to 60mins, employees who clock-in at 10:01am will be marked as very late.
5. “Absenteeism”, under this, admins set a time after which employee clock-ins will be marked as absent. For example if it is set at 3 hours, employees who clock-in at 12:00pm will be marked as absent.
Choose the shift and click “Save” at the bottom.
Two ways for employees to clock-in:
1: Use the office Wi-Fi to clock-in: Employees clock-in while connected to the office Wi-Fi.
2: Use the GPS location: Use the GPS location to register your location and clock-in.
Click “Add Office Location” to set your office location.
Click “Save Attendance Group” and it is done.
icon How to edit an attendance group?
Click “Work” tab – Click “Attendance”
Click “Settings”, you can choose either “Edit Rules” or “Edit Members/Managers”
icon How to remove an attendance group?
Click “Work” tab – Click “Attendance”
Click “Settings” – Click “delete” icon
icon  How to get Attendance Report?

Click “Work” tab – Click “Attendance”
Click “Statistics” – Click “Report”
Choose the range and click “Export Report”
Go back to “Messages” – Click “Notice:”
You can find your report here
icon  How to Clock in/out?

Based on the attendance rules set by your company, you have to be within the set location range or connect to the office Wi-Fi before clock-in.
Click “Work” tab – Click “Attendance”
Once you enter the range or connected to office Wi-Fi before clock-in time, it will show like this.
If you are late, it will shows like this.
If you are not connected to the office Wi-Fi or not within the attendance range, your clock-in will look like the picture below. Such clock-ins will be marked as “Off-Site. Please check with your admin, if you are allowed to do off-site clock-in, or this may affect your salary.
icon  How to verify your company?

Open “Contacts” – Click settings button of the organization.
Scroll down and click “Enterprise Verification”
Fill in the details and upload the scanned version of the company certificates and click “Submit”
DingTalk Services Team will review it in five days. You can check the review status here.
icon  How to set up role?

We only support to set up roles on dashboard.
Please visit “” and try.
Why we need to set up roles?
Set up roles to help you make the approval workflow more organized

